Step-by-Step Process of Registration in Project 1-9-90
To open Project 1-9-90 Account click to register your free account. As the registration page displays, you fill in the required details such as your username, your email address and choose password for yourself. Note that an email account is required to open account on Project 1-9-90. If you do not have one, you have to create it first before creating a project 1-9-90 account.
NOTE: If you open the the website using Internet Explorer, the page will be displayed in Russian. You need to open it using either Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox or Opera and these will automatically translate the website to English for you.
- Open
- Type in your desire Username, and click Next (an arrow the the right hand side)
- Enter a password of your choice in the box provide. Then enter your email address and click Submit, you will then get an activation email in the inbox of your email account.
- Go to the Login page of and login with your username and password.
- Then click the menu and click Profile and enter your fullname, your phone number and your FaceBook email address and your Skype username if you have.
- If your Perfect Money (PM) account has been created, then copy the Euro account number and the US Dollar account number from it and add them to your 1-9-90 account under Profile wallets
- NOTE that your Perfect Money Euro Account Number starts with 'E' and follows with series of numbers such as "E1123453" in your Perfect Money account, while the US Dollar account number starts with 'U' and follows with series of numbers such as "U2323423".
- That's all about registration, next you have to activate the account.
Send me a link to the log in page pls